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The Sarnia-Lambton Ontario Health Team is a collaboration of partners with a shared goal of improving the healthcare journey for members of the Sarnia-Lambton community. Current members of the Sarnia-Lambton OHT include:

Becoming a Sarnia-Lambton OHT Partner

OHT Partner Affiliate Applications Poster (2)

Is your organization interested in becoming a Sarnia-Lambton OHT partner? Applications to become a signatory member or affiliate member are now open. Please download, complete and submit your form by visiting the links below.

Signatory Member Application

“Signatory Members” means organizations that contribute to the health and wellbeing of the Sarnia Lambton  community, are signatory members on the Collaborative Decision Making Agreement (CDMA), are involved in decision-making, planning, design, and projects of the OHT and contribute to the success of the OHT by leveraging financial and/or in kind resources. 
If your organization provides services to our priority populations or you are involved in the additional identified areas of priority, you are encouraged to fill out a signatory member application. 

S-L OHT New Affiliate Members Expression of Interest

“Affiliate Members” means organizations that contribute to the health and well-being of the Sarnia Lambton community, provide input to enable decision-making and participate in planning, design and projects of the S-L OHT. 
If your organization provides health or social services to the Sarnia-Lambton area, but not to the priority populations or additional priority areas, you are encouraged to fill out an affiliate member application. If you do not receive funding directly from the province to provide services (either partial or full funding) you are encouraged to fill out an affiliate member application.
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