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To ensure the Sarnia-Lambton Ontario Health Team truly partners, engages and consults with our patients, families and care partners, a philosophy of “not about me, without me” will ground everything we do. The Patient Declaration of Values for Ontario will be adopted as a foundation in setting a culture that values patient and care partner decision making at all levels. We will be guided by the following key principles:

  • Co-design will ensure all future planning supports a holistic approach to the health system;
  • Inclusion of the voice of patients, families and care partners through PFC committees will be supported;
  • Transparency in all of our planning to build trust;
  • Integrity and truth in planning will ensure people’s best interests are central to planning what’s best for patient and care partners;
  • A focus on equity will ensure individuals get the care they need, when and where they need it; and
  • The OHT will build a community of continuous learning and constant improvement.